Upcoming Concerts

Messiah // translated
14th, March 2025 7:00 PM - Erfurt, Kaufmannskirche
15th, March 2025 6:00 PM - Zwickau, Dom St. Marien
16th, March 2025 6:00 PM - Leipzig, Peterskirche
- Georg Friedrich Händel - The Messiah
- Saemi Jeong / Marina Lukashevich - Live-Elektronik und Neukompositionen
1741 - in just 24 days, Handel translates the words of the Holy Bible into one of the most important oratorios of the Baroque era, the Messiah. In three parts, it revolves the birth, passion and resurrection of Christ in prophetic verses in English translation and music full of emotion. 1789 - Mozart wants to perform Handel's work in Vienna. He translates the out-of-fashion music of the baroque master into his own "classical" language by adding more instrumental parts to the score and therefore expanding the orchestra to include modern woodwinds and brass for a more colourful sound. The work is also sung in German translation. 2025 - to mark the 250th anniversary of the first German-language performance, Ensemble Lachrymae wants to "translate" Handel's most famous piece into our time. Both Mozart's version and Handel's original baroque sounds will be brought to life on period instruments. Furthermore, the material will be processed electro-acoustically, paraphrased and interpreted in a completely new way.

Dido and Aeneas
N.N. - Leipzig, Schaubühne Lindenfels
N.N. - Leipzig, Schaubühne Lindenfels
- Henry Purcell - Dido and Aeneas
- Adraen Mocanu (UKR) - Fever 105° (Uraufführungen)
Purcells Meisterwerk in einer packenden Neuinterpretation mit Uraufführungen von Adrian Mocanu vor dem Hintergrund des Ukrainekriegs. Der russischstämmige Regisseur Sergei Morozov inszeniert die Symbiose aus Barockoper und subtilen zeitgenössischen Klängen in ebenso zarten wie drastischen Bildern in der Schaubühne Lindenfels. Assoziationen an eine vom Krieg traumatisierte Gesellschaft, Menschen, die sich in der U-Bahn verschanzen und trotz aller Verzweiflung die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben, entstehen und lassen das Publikum für 1,5 Stunden tiefste Emotionen und erschütternde Musik erleben.